Thursday, April 05, 2007


Mostly been up on the river taking pics of swans, geese, coots and ducks... waiting to see if I can attract something to my windowbox & feeders. So far the only success I've had are a pair of magpies and various blue-tits.

I'm one of those sad people who likes to name critters once they become identifiable... so...

This is Fatty Lumpkin (the name came to me because of his ... I'm pretty sure he is a he... size) Those who've READ Lord of the Rings will recognize the name.

These two photos are of Swish-tail, another name from Lord of the Rings, and who, I am fairly certain, is Fatty Lumpkin's lady friend. He is much bigger than she and they seem to be a couple, always around here together.

And last is a blue-tit... they DON'T have names as they all look alike, and are so skittish that it's hard to see if there are any differences to their markings, size, etc. But they are lovely little birds.
Cheers, Finny
Thanks for sending these Finny. Since your all the way across the "Big Pond" you probably have birds that are different from what we see here in the states. Even if they are the same bird, sometimes they are marked different. And it's not sad that you name them. I think anyone who cares enough to name a repeat visitor to their yard is someone with a very good heart!
So take a peek out your window ans see WHAT'S IN YOUR BACKYARD ??

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